sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2011

Organizational Change in Public Organizations

Organizational change was last class topic.

It was quite interesting to learn the factors of change processes in public organizations.

Fernandez and Rainey in “Managing Successful Organizational Change in the Public Sector” highlights the following eight steps that public authorities are to be aware of before and while promoting comprehensive structural changes.

First: Ensure the Need

Creating a compelling vision to communicate the need of structural changes.

Second: Provide a Plan

Anticipating a road map to identify obstacles and anticipate difficulties.

Third: Build Internal Support

Encouraging widespread participation to generate psychological ownership and critical mass.

Fourth: Ensure Top-Management Support

Gaining the support of a respected person to coordinate disparate behavior, overcome obstacles by leveraging personal connections, and pursue different avenues of influence.

Fifth: Build External Support

Tapping into the connections of someone outside the organization to impose statutory changes and control the flow of vital resources.

Sixth: Provide Resources

Ensuring capital to promote change throughout the process: plan development, personnel training, innovation experiments.

Seventh: Institutionalize Change

Routinizing new behaviors and habits.

Eight: Pursue Comprehensive Change

Implementing systemic changes to subsystems.

It seems to me that these eight steps do not necessarily need to be implemented in this order to yield meaningful changes but all of them are certainly present in any change process within public organizations.

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