segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Green Housing

Green Coalition

Transition to a "green economy"

Paul Hawken

Pavan Sukhdev

Lean System

Como o "Sistema Lean" ajudou três empresas a reduzirem seus custos de produção e mais informações sobre "Lean".

Paul Moore

Paul Moore, faculty at uhm, defende a cana de açúcar como biocombustível.

Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos

Promulgada em 2010 a lei 12305/10 sobre a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Essa política está baseada nos princípios poluidor-pagador e desenvolvimento sustentável. Fabricantes, importadores, distribuidores, comerciantes, etc terão de implementar a logística reversa. Esses produtores terão de viabilizar um sistema de coleta, reciclagem e reaproveitamento ambientalmente sustentável em seu ciclo produtivo. O desafio do poder público é criar políticas que facilitem a execução dessa política e não torná-la excessivamente onerosa para os produtores e os contribuintes. Instrumentos para implantação dessa política são i) acordos setoriais levando em conta a responsabilidade compartilhada pelo ciclo de vida do produto ii) regulamentos expedidos pelo poder público e iii) termos de compromisso.

Lei para reciclagem

Lei municipal que obriga o fabricante a recolher, reciclar e reaproveitar os produtos poluentes.

Custo do Protocolo de Quioto

Bjorn Lomborg e Patrick Michaels afirmam que o custo para implementar o Protocol de Kyoto é muito alto para alcançar resultados poucos expressivos. O gasto de 180 bilhões de dólares até 2100 reduziria a temperatura em apenas 0,004 Celsius. Como alternativa, eles defendem o investimento de 0.2% do PIB mundial em pesquisa de tecnologia sem emissão de carbono, como a eficiência e o preço dos painéis solares. Ambos também acusam a pobreza como fonte do crescimento da emissão, pois a baixa renda impede o acesso às novas tecnologias. Segundo Michaels, um dólar investido em energia verde daria um retorno de 11 dólares na eliminação de danos ambientais.


Dalai Lama’s book “Ethics for the new millennium”

In his quest for ethical revolution: “Material progress alone is not solving the world problems”.

“The real American strength is not weapons but democracy, rule of law, justice. But in the field of international relations, that democratic principle is not there. Still relying on the show of force”.

Disaster Reduction

“Disaster reduction: Japan’s global contribution”

Prof. Kimiro Meguro from the International Center for Urban Safety Engineering, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo.

“There are three ways to reduce disaster: i) prevention ii) response and preparedness and iii) strategy for recovery and reconstruction.

Lessons from the great hanshin-awaji earthqutake: “self-help community assistance is essential”

Document (Guidelines for National Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, and Mitigation) “The Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action for a Safer World”

(United Nations World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction in Yokohama 1994)

2002 – Living with Risk – A global review of disaster reduction initiatives (ISDR – International Strategy for Disaster Reduction)

1990 – international decade for natural disaster reduction

Kenzo Oshima:

2005 – UN world conference on disaster reduction

Asian Disaster Reduction Center (Kobe):

Major roles of ADRC i) share information for disaster reduction ii) human resources development iii) cooperation with various international organizations.

OCHA – Office for Coordination Humanitarian Affairs (Asian Disaster Response Unit) (Japan): cooperates with international organizations

The Kyoto framework for action (2005-2015), adopted in the UN world conference on Disaster reduction and human renovation institution

Shigeru Ban:

Frei Otto:


“Triage: Dr. James Orbinski’s humanitarian dilemma”:

. “Humanitarianism is about solidarity and understanding circumstances”;

. “There is now not answer but there are right questions, and this is the right way to live in the world”

The Power of Choice

“The power of choice: the life and ideas of Milton Friedman”

. one of Friedman’s most controversial ideas: “flat rate income tax”;

. some of Friendman’s most important thinking is done when work and play can be combined;

. his scientific focus is technical economics - predicting the consequences of public policies;

. He believes that “permanent income” (“The Theory of Economic Consumption”, 1957) begins a counter-revolution (against Keynes’ ideas) through monetarism. “People don’t make their spending decision based on current income or short infusions of cash. They make decisions based on “the permanent income”, what they think they are likely to make over time;

. Another book: “The general theory of employment interest and money”;

. traditional Keynesian belief relies on that enough government spending can creates jobs and triggers spending on goods and services. This, in turn, will create more jobs;

. “A monetary history of the United States (1867 – 1960) published in 1963” with Anna Schwartz. “Most consider this a Friedman’s most influential work”. “It was commonly believed that the Great Depression was caused by the failure of capitalism. Milton argues that the cause was a failure of The Federal Reserve”. “FD should have flooded the country with currency and prevent other banks from failing (to restore confidence). It did nothing of the kind.”;

. (The power of choice in education) “The fully exercise of choice would reinvigorate the public school system (because) competition always have an effect” (Parents should be able to direct their taxes to the schools systems they believe is best for their children);

. advocates minimum government and maximum individual freedom;

. transitioning from government command and control to a free market economy, Chile privatized its pension system and this dramatically raised savings;

. “The society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither. The society that puts freedom before equality will end up with a great measure of both”.

quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011

Thoughts of Lee Kuan Yew

Sentences from the founding father of Singapore in “Success stories: Lee Kuan Yew”

“One value which does not fit Singapore is the theory that the press is the forth state”

“as citizens, we share the burden and rewards”

From a biographer “Since very young, he’s used to exercising a least degree of choice and control”

“Surely we must be in charge of our own lives, and that is the beginning of politics”

“I am not here to play somebody else’s game”

“If you want money, don’t go into politics”

“If you take a bribe, you sell your fate”

“There will be not race riot in Singapore, never…”

“They know that what we say we mean, that this is an equal society”

“One got to get over the temptation of the news media capturing one’s soul”

“To give every family a stake in the country…find a way to give them ownership of their own home. Then, if their sons have to go to war and fight, they are fighting for themselves”

“Everybody is free to put up his ideas. But if you put up foolish ideas, it is our duty to demolish that idea by argument before that idea takes hold of people’s mind”

“What are our priorities? First, the welfare, the survival of the people. The, the democratic norm and processes, which from time to time we have to suspend”

“I ignore polling as a matter of the government. I think that shows a weakness of mind and inability to chart across”

“Whichever way the wind blows, whichever way the media encourages the people to go, you follow, you are not a leader”

“Who was right? Their soft methods or our firm methods?”

“Human beings by nature are unequal creatures”. This is important because then “there is a certain realistic assessment of their capability and their possible achievement”

“Heredity is most important”

“We would not be here. We would not have made the economic progress. If we had not intervened on very personal matters. Who your neighbor is? How you live? Noise you made? How and where you spit? What language you use? Have we not done that effectively we would not be here today”

“To get good government, you must get good men in charge of government. What I have observed in the last 40 years is that even the weak and poor system of government, but with good strong men in charge, you get possible government with decent progress”

“This is not administration doing a job. This is entrepreneurship on a political stage on a national scale. We change the complexion of Singapore”

Documentary director’s conclusion:

“Singapore is wealthy because of i) clean government ii) political stability iii) sense of unity and iv) good relations with neighboring countries”

“On one hand: Lee an autocrat created an obsequious society without a soul. On the other hand: Lee the great politician created and maintained an affluent nation”

“Had it not been for him, Singapore would most certainly not have the country that we know today. Detractors will of course say things could have been much better. But then… conjecture has no part in history”

Shaping Unconscious Thoughts

We do not always operate on free will.

Unconsciousness also leads to action.

Environmental stimuli and heredity are at the bottom of this psychological process.,8599,2000994,00.html