segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011

Peak Oil and The Human Psyche

When I laugh at politicians, I laugh at myself. This reflects like a mirror. When I see who the majority voted for, this represents myself and my surroundings.

Politicians do what it takes to gain power and retain it. We are built to listen to what we want to hear. The last eight US Presidents conveniently manipulated this maxim and that is why US citizens -– as well as from all over the world -- will continue electing candidates urging the promotion of renewables since oil reserves are fast depleting. Politics boils down to which stories enjoy more bravos once curtains are closed.

If you disagree, think the other way around. Would you trust in a candidate that controls how many miles you drive every week? That promises to increase toll prices as well as gasoline weekly? That taxes soda and snacks on behalf of public health? That stops giving money to your old uncle growing crops in a remote village? That pretends to play Peter Pan by taxing the well-off to distribute resources to the homeless and unemployed? No, no, you and I would never cast a single vote to a crazy story teller like this since it is not the government -- nor anyone -- who should tell us how to lead our lives. I am free to do whatever I want as long as I have money for it -- or until the neighbor bangs again on the front door because of unappreciated heavy metal. This is how you, I, and 99% of the world population make decisions. I am sorry to say that we are no exception and this behavior is doomed to stick with us for a while.

I pay my bills –- not the government, let alone the bank manager. Nobody really cares if I become poor and go bankrupted. A share of “the paradise” is only for students who afford increased tuitions and rent on this exquisite land. Samurai leaders could not careless about an organic cabbage plantation diligently taken care of but now fully contaminated by infamous irradiation. Instead of deciding for harakiri -- like the Fukushima farmer did --, I should look after myself and my loved ones and only try to save the world once I become a millionaire. I know that it is sad eating a hundred-dollar meal while servers are paid minimum wages and my leftovers are not shipped to African villages. However, it would be even worse if I were one of the overwhelmed waiters or a child starving to death, so better continue marketing everything, focus on the bottom line, and enjoy what modern life still gives freely to me.

Our psyche is programmed to survive. We select and connect with people reinforcing power relations. Nobody really wants to take care of anyone but quickly arrive home to enjoy a hot shower, yummy meal, and a happy dog. I warn you: be skeptical of those claiming altruism as a way of life. These are the ones living up to their routines by sucking up your energy and trying to convince that nirvana is reached by giving not receiving. Nietzche wrote at “The Antichrist” that “the process of evolution does not necessarily mean elevation, enhancement, strengthening”. I would rather assume that the German philosopher was right, after all, who knows, I may also stand a chance to become a superman and promise renewables on stage to everyone – and join a comedy show.

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